Though email is often taken for granted, it is always worth noting that email marketing remains a strong sales and digital marketing channel across devices. This is especially the case if you have a good set of loyal customers.
Sometimes e-newsletters have a big advantage of catching customers unaware and this often results in impulse buying. At other times, newsletters have the knack of bringing back customers who have not visited the store in a while. All this eventually leads to more sales opportunities.
Here we’re looking at the basics of what makes a strong case for email marketing.
1.The list of subscribers
First things first, you cannot send mailshots if you don’t have a list of emails. It goes without saying that one should ensure that these emails were all legitimately acquired and that all email address owners have consented to be contacted via email. This has now risen in importance in view of the GDPR. Beyond this, the list of subscribers has to be current and up-to-date. This means that the email addresses need to belong to people who have RECENTLY shown an interest in the company’s products and services. This is a key aspect because if you’re sending mailshots to people who last interacted with your company 5 years ago, you might be flogging a dead horse, in the sense that these people might have lost interest years ago. Curate your list of subscribers on a regular basis. That includes having the right mechanisms for list building opportunities.
2.Segment and target
The second aspect of effective email marketing is sending messages that are customised according to the segment that you are seeking to target. General newsletters alienate whilst tailor-made newsletters resonate with the target market’s interest. It is important that you avoid being dismissed by your subscribers as this can lead to a flurry of unwanted ‘Unsubscribes’. Send content which motivates your market to take action.
3.Content with Call-for-Action
If you’re sending an email with a message it is only because you are aiming to generate some kind of interest which either in the long or short run should result in a concrete action. That could be making a booking, or taking up a special offer but it could also mean downloading a white-paper or watching a video. Whatever content is sent, it is very important that the content was created with a mobile mindset. After all, there is a big possibility that the subscriber will view your newsletter on a mobile device. Aspects like titles, text and call for action need to be aided by imagery that capture the attention of the audience.
4.Where does the newsletter lead to
If you’re preparing a newsletter, it is imperative that you ensure it leads the customer to the ‘RIGHT’ landing page. If you direct your customers to the main page of your site instead of the specific product you feature in your newsletter, you are misleading the audience and there is a big possibility that you will end up losing the customer who actually clicked on the link only to find that he or she has not landed where expected.
5.Tools and Tricks
If you’ve stopped yourself from taking advantage of email marketing because you think it’s long winded and complicated, it’s time to rethink your strategy. There are tools that can help you manage your subscribers, that take care of mailshots and the subsequent statistics that are related to your email campaign. Gain insights and tweak your success strategy with every campaign.
At Keen we can help you in a strategic, creative, productive and analytical manner. We can set up your email marketing process and help you stay in touch with your customers in a ‘fruitful’ way. After all, what can be better than getting your message right into your customers’ mailbox with a catchy notification today? Like to discuss some ideas to re-sell, incentivise and revive with E-mail Marketing? We’d love to share a coffee and our ideas.