Since the drastic shift to digital we are no longer in the dark when it comes to knowing what works and what doesn’t for the consumer online. This is mainly due to the constant monitoring of data through analytics and other specialized tools. We now know exactly the demographics of your site’s visitors, their behavior, what they are buying and where, if any, obstacles are occurring. At this day and age as a digital marketing company Keen is able to provide you with more answers to your questions than ever before for a successful website that delivers!
At Keen we consider data as a crucial element to back up any actions that need to be taken in order to better a website performance. When one speaks about performance it is inevitable to drag along the terminology of User Experience or UX and of course Conversion Optimization.
As a general rule, as soon as a site is up we make sure to set up key performance indicators which we would decide upon together with the client so to ensure that we are monitoring the correct objectives. Once analytics is properly set up we would start monitoring the average conversion rate, the average order value and the revenue per visitor amongst others.
Sounds complex? Not really, here is a general definition of these key performance indicators:
Average conversion rate is the percentage of people who purchase from you divided by your total traffic.
Average order value is the average amount someone spends when they order from you.
Revenue per visitor is the amount of money generated when someone visits your website.
Once we analyse this data we can proceed to the next stage of optimization through UX and CRO.
“A user interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it isn’t that good. — @MartinLeblanc”
The point of this quote is that a visitor who doesn’t understand your interface is a user who will leave the site midway through a purchase funnel, with no intention of returning. A disappointed client is a lost client.
The aim of UX is to improve the design of a site so that it is simpler, clearer, more coherent and more user-friendly. In short, it aims to make site navigation as easy as possible. In order to go the distance, next comes Conversion Optimization which aims to turn visitors to leads and works hand in hand with UX.
Some CRO recommendations:
1. Elevate User Experience
Think of your website’s design and UX as its foundation. Here are some factors that we like to consider when making the necessary changes:
- We prefer to focus on User Experience over design if necessary meaning that the behaviour of the user will be given priority above aesthetically pleasing design.
- Avoiding clutter, especially on landing pages in order to make your objective and message stand out and making it easier for visitors to quickly access the most important information.
- Including high-quality images to capture attention without letting them overpower your message.
- Taking care of choosing the right fonts and color schemes for the appropriate target market and segment industry.
- We enable visitors with multiple access points in order to help them move around your pages, enabling them to take actions at various points. This is a delicate balance of keeping the navigation simple and keeping the visitors focused on the conversion goal
2. Refine Copy-writing
Given the technical environment and nature of the industry some information and messages might come across as too technical for the visitor resulting in the visitor losing interest or not capturing the full potential of the web page itself.
3. Boost Trust Factors
Again given the nature of the services we are dealing with it is important to factor in trust issues which may arise for new visitors seeking out a new service from a company which they might not be familiar with. Providing credibility, reducing risks and using social proof like badges of certifications etc. will help build a positive impact on the customer and instill a feeling of trust which is one of the factors that will convert clients.
4. Eliminate Friction Barriers
FRICTION KILLS CONVERSION. Friction is a physiological resistance to a particular element. The less friction the visitor encounters the more likely the decision will be a positive one. Factors to consider are:
- Landing page length
- Cognitive Dissonance (The conflict of the message flow, ads etc.)
- An Emotional Bond
Browser Web Push notifications for e-commerce has become increasingly popular. These are notifications sent to people who visited your site, where they are notified of website updates.
Interested? Want to know more what Keen can do for your business online? We will be happy to discuss with you how we can turn your website into our next successful project. Drop us a line!