The digital phenomenon has swept the technological era of its feet and with visuals and multimedia sparking engagement and interaction, one can frankly state that the IT social media platform of the moment is Instagram. With over 800 million monthly active users and 500 million daily active users, this platform serves as the base for the constant rise of visual interaction, inspiration, and a means of self-expression.
Indeed, Instagram has turned into a must-have for both individuals and businesses. Let’s face it, if you’re not on Instagram you’re not hip or on fleek. Thus, it’s imperative for businesses to link their FB page to an Instagram business account, as this can help with the marketing for competitions, initiatives, and even word of mouth. Not only can Instagram help you market your brand, but it can broaden your audience through successful digital strategies that your brand can benefit from. Following are some benefits that every business can achieve from setting up a proper Instagram business account.
1. Increased Engagement
Once your business has a presence on Instagram, your first task is to recognize who your customers and potential prospects are. With users growing on a daily basis, your customers are definitely on this social media platform. It may take a while to grow your Instagram community to significant levels with a large number of follows, but slow and steady wins the race. As a business, you need to engage with your audience by sparking your feed with engaging and active content so as to allow your followers to get to know you, build an emotional connection, and ultimately interact with you.
2. Building Trust
Nowadays the consumer doesn’t just buy for the sake of buying, they buy from people and hence the importance of building trust with your users. Instagram is the perfect platform to build this trust and show off your brand’s personality as you can share day-to-day experiences in an informal way. Some examples for such content is behind the scenes images, employee images, impromptu images of daily work activities, and so on.
3. Increase in Traffic
If you have an online shop, on Instagram you have the option of linking your products to the actual product on sale. This is a powerful source of traffic as you are actually driving users on Instagram to your website. Having a powerful feed on Instagram through images, gifs, and video content can help you achieve more sales on your website.
4. Reaching the Target Market
One campaign strategy that can be engaged through the Instagram platform is Influencer Marketing. The latter relate more to the millennials, the under 30 crowd who are the hip generation and whom most young people aspire to copy. If you find the ideal influencers who can help you market your product or brand, you can reach your target market easily as it’s amazing the results that such marketing campaigns obtain.
Instagram offers an excellent opportunity for any brand to diversify their content and broaden their online presence. The key thing to keep in mind for success on this social media platform is to be active and spontaneous – it’s not about the quality of the photo, but about meaningful photos that capture emotion.
At Keen we can help you with effective and fruitful digital campaigns through Instagram in order to help you drive sales and increase brand awareness. Contact the team at Keen to learn more about how we can help you increase your online presence through Instagram.